Just another day

21. Fresh air…

Raghav was not having the time he had expected. He had come back hoping to make some headway in his research, and in gaining some much needed clarity, but everything seemed to have come to a grinding halt with the events of the last few weeks.

This party was fun though, and it gave him a great opportunity to reconnect with Mira. It was here he met her sister Nisha. She seemed very nice, and most people would have felt so because if you liked Mira, who really was very nice, her twin looked so much like her, liking Nisha would be an obvious reflex. But Raghav did not have the luxury of such snap judgements. The three of them spent most of the evening together, each sporting ridiculous looking hats with bright feathers coming out of it.

The night passed, and turned to day. And everyone was back doing what they do, on their two days off from work, that wonderfully frustrating break from the five day work week that passed with a blink of an eye, always leaving you wanting more!

Raghav had made plans with the girls. He wanted to get out and had had enough of the drama in the house that he was staying in. He needed some light distraction… and he wanted to get to know more people! It turned out that Manu felt the same way about the drama at least… also he thought Raghav could use a hand, so invited himself to the outing.

Soon the boys were off, dressed ever so casually, Monkey on Manu’s shoulder, all going off to a local coffee shop, that Manu liked and frequented, and where he and his pet were not banned. The girls showed up… a few minutes later, and after quick greetings, they were seated comfortably on some giant cushions, browsing the almost tattered menu card for overpriced beverages. These prices could only be explained if they served a portion or quantity beyond belief or if it came in some sort of gold cup… neither was true, but the four succumbed and ordered a variety of items from the menu, which served as brunch for them…

The waiter struggled with their order as he repeated it, and once he had gone, Mira giggled at how she thought she had heard something else when he said “triple chocolate chip super fudge milkshake”…ah well…its things like this that made going out even more memorable right?

Nisha smiled too, she looked a little less severe, having regained some colour in her face. The effect of her sister being back home no doubt. Manu began “Raghav tells me you both play music… and that you Mira are in some sort of Jazz act? Sounds very interesting…”

“Yes well, I don’t do it to sound interesting! I just am.. “ she winked and nudged Raghav, making jokes, was something she did often. “ Yeah I play the flute and sax, it’s fun, no doubt, but you have no idea how good Nisha is on the piano… I mean she will literally blow your mind!”

Nisha blushed…  she never blushed that easily, she really had changed. “ you know, I have heard all about your plays…you should consider letting my sister audition for the music parts!”

“Hey that’s not a bad idea at all! I am looking for someone who has not really played mainstream before though… so I hope I will not be cramping  your style if I asked you to play for me Nisha?”

“ Honestly Manu I might have forgotten my style. I actually think if you need some music for your play, I would be happy to audition. But what is your play about anyway?” said Nisha, her face had brightened. Talking about something new made a difference.

Manu went on to explain to them what his play would be about. When he finished, Nisha and Mira sat there, a little stunned. The subject of the girl not being able to move was so close to Nisha, it was eerie…she felt a chill run up her spine...

Mira volunteered an explanation to the now slightly confused Manu, who was about to mistake their silence, for dislike. Manu too was quite moved once he heard the story. “Wow…talk about art imitating life…imitating art!”

Raghav and the rest pf them spent the remainder of the afternoon making plans for the week, with three of them on a vacation, and the other needing some help in casting, it seemed that Raghav, Mira and Nisha had been recruited to the planning crew for the play, at least temporarily.

“Manu, for you things just have a way of falling into your lap…I mean you don’t even have to try!” said Raghav as they finally bid their goodbyes, and headed home for the day… Manu thought about that, it was true. Especially of late Manu had been getting it easy! Meeting Kit and now these girls, and actually anything he set his mind to…”Midas touch…my friend..” he laughed and replied.

“Raghav I have a friend I want you to meet. He lives outside the city on a small estate, where he runs his family’s business, and I think he might be of some interest to you. How about a road trip this weekend? “he continued..

“Well why would this friend interest me? And what about all the plans we just made??”

“ Don’t’ question the Midas, just go with the flow…and follow…I’ll take that as a yes, besides we’ll be back in time to make all our plans happen, so you can relax…look at Monkey...now that’s how you live, right now he’s perched on my shoulder, not knowing where we are going, all he needs is some fresh air and a guava, and he is happy little guy..” Manu laughed…and put his arm around Raghav “I promise, this will be a good trip, you’ll thank me later”

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How this story works..part two

So in a lot of stories there always is a gradual build up from introducing the main characters, establishing the relationships and elaborating on the plot, before it reaches the crux of the story and then finishes. I intend to keep that formula, but add my own flavour to this.. so read, and yes there will be more character introduction chapters, I'll get deeper into the story soon :)
Apart from this, I have decided to keep the names of cities a mystery. I will probably never mention the name of a city specifically, because when you do that, you have to be factually correct, and that might take away from the story on a blog :) so the only things I will ever write about specifically are my characters and what happens to them. The 'where' part will be appropriately described :) and will leave you guessing ;)

Behind this title...

So if you are reading this (thank you!) you are probably wondering what this blog title is about. Why a seemingly normal girl (if you know me or have read my profile) would choose to title her blog so. Well, I can explain it this way. As I see it pretty much everything and everyone around me , and for that matter you, is driven by one of these two sentiments. So no matter what I will ever talk about, it will always come down to something that was done to go after happiness or satisfaction or just not! It is my idea of simplifying the way I think of thoughts (yes think of thoughts), actions, intentions behind anything. And I am one for 'word plays'. So yes I like that my blog can sound like something (a book) we are already familiar with :)

So in this blog I will share with you a story I am writing.. its a story where the characters , events and situations are all derived from my own life. Enjoy :) and I would like your help and suggestions in building this story.. :)

Understand that this story is not true, its just an escape.. and completely a figment of my imagination :)


here is where I create, create a story of people and their lives and experiences, and the chapters are coming along piece by piece... :) and I am using people from my own life as my inspiration, and putting facets of different personalities to create characters I can love and relate to and hope that you will too :) I love that I can make up anything I want, and make any thing a reality in this story and I hope to actually write some books some day.. so enjoy!

About Me

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a story teller (where this really applies) and lover of stories :) and some things in between too! will keep them coming!
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