Meet someone new...

3: Free Fall...

He could feel the air around him, and the silence was a rush by itself. There he was hanging off the edge of the opening of that small plane, ready to take the biggest plunge of his life, jump 15000ft, and experience life, as all the brochures had put it! They had been through the security instructions easily a hundred times, but Raghav had heard enough, he had been waiting a while for this sky diving experience and he wanted to rely on his instincts to guide him through it! He was not one to over think anything; in fact his friends would go as far as to say, he never thought through much at all. He was not reckless or irresponsible, but he was daring and energetic …all wrapped up into one slightly overweight, average height twenty one year old. This was his year off, he was taking a break in between his course, his undergraduate degree in human psychology and animal behavior, much to the dismay of his parents, but he said he needed this to get an idea of what he was supposed to do with his life after this degree. He knew this was rubbish, he even knew if someone else were giving him that same story he would have laughed at them so hard, before he proceeded to discourage them from such an idea. But Raghav was sure, he needed this. He had been studying human behavior and intelligence patterns when he had come to this decision one day.. He was getting so saturated, in over his head with theory after flawed theory that he needed to get out of his head and ‘live’ a bit.

So there he was, doing the thing that action and travel books were made off and before he made his way back home to India, he was going to have two wild weeks in the US, where he had come to study and ‘prosper’.

Sky diving was number five on the list. He had already done the first four! He had eaten sushi, this was a big deal because he was a strict vegetarian and had gotten a piercing, his eyebrow, nothing that creepy, and had climbed a lesser known hill, and roughed it out in the wilderness for five days. Again not a big deal for the average person. Except, Raghav was blind...

He had been since he was four years old, and had handled his ‘challenge’ with maturity and a great attitude. Very few people even remembered he was blind, and hardly anyone would show him the kind of pity that was usually handed out to people with such disabilities. Raghav had been an interesting and interested learner through school and although difficult to survive in mainstream schools in India, he had managed, and well. His parents were both working individuals and had done the best thing they could for their son, not make his disability the focus, the beginning and end of a normal life. Raghav had taken up psychology as his key interest and had always been very good at what appeared to be hearing ‘body language’. It was true that where you lost one sense, the others heightened, and Raghav had a natural ability.

He was taking this year off, to improve his skills, he said. He was going back home, and was planning on travelling through India to study ‘study patterns’ and general behavioral patterns of children between the ages of 9-15… among other things. But mostly he was taking the advice of a dear friend. One who had come to stay with him and his family three years ago, at his house, and had been the sister and friend he had never had. Mali-akka, sounding almost like Malika, had been one of the many reasons he took up psychology. She fascinated him and angered him all at once! She was the only person Raghav envied for having her eyesight and was amazed at how she could tell him a story or take him on walks near the beach with Saibu (the family’s pet) and describe every sight with details that would have never been noticed by anyone with eyesight, or teach him something new.. Like how to sculpt clay into any form he ‘saw’ in his mind. She had come at a time, when Raghav needed to be reminded that anger was not an answer. He had always been patient with himself, but at the time he was going through a slightly harder period at school with his disability and she had come almost as if to help him.

The day she left she gave Raghav a clay sculpture she had made... It was shaped like a pyramid, with grooves across its surface, and coloured threads wound around it. She said it represented the colours he could not see, but would learn to ‘feel’, and when ever he felt he was ready to feel them, and to experience being able to see them, that he should find her. The pyramid like figure was him, bound by what he longed to see, but what he could not, and how that thought was limiting him! She had said, he only had to write to her and she would take good care of him. At the time, he was a bit skeptical. The concept was too abstract, but he held that gift in his hand, and felt it against his skin, and knew that this would be with him for life.

And so now three years later, when he was struggling to be the best he could be, and not quite being able to tell why, he remembered Mali’s gift. He had written to her and sure enough she was ready to meet him, and check on her dear 'brother', and help him...

Raghav counted to ten… and jumped! He could not even feel the man strapped on and helping him… he gave into the experience… and let the feeling take over him. What a rush!

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2. Listens to her head..

Kirtana and Maliha, reached home after an hour long drive. The drive back had been a mix of awkward conversations and stating the obvious, as was customary of all first-time, in-person conversations. Kirtana had shown Mali some parts of the city as they drove to ‘Magnolia’, the name of the apartment complex ‘Kit’ lived in. It had just rained the evening before Mali had arrived and today the sun was out, and the weather was just right, pleasant and sunny, the kind of weather most people expected of the city. Mali had commented on how strange it felt to be back in a big city again... to which Kirtana made a joke about how, the ‘city’ was getting undone as it was getting done - pointing to all the roads that had been dug up or flooded in the rain.

Mali was delightful; she was everything Kirtana had expected her to be, and more. Kirtana instantly found how Maliha could make people feel at ease around her, and that is what made her behave even more strangely around her. She was determined to make the best first impression. But there was a part of her that could not help wondering why she needed Mali’s approval!

Kirtana had just celebrated her 27th birthday about a month ago. Well celebrated was a stretch! She had had a rough year on the personal front. For the first time in her life she had found a man who she felt she loved. This had happened very suddenly two years ago, where all such love stories begin, at a party, a friend of a friend of a friend…Well it ended badly! They wanted different things, correction: he did not want what she did, and so they had a bad ending to what seemed like a good relationship. Now as all break ups go, it is never easy, but Kirtana had been affected a lot more than she realized. There was a part of her that stopped trusting her own judgments; it was as though she was punishing herself for not seeing a bad man hiding in the guise of the man she thought she loved.

This break up, also served as a wake-up call. Kirtana had not been happy in her relationship, and she was not happy with her job and she was not happy in life. All her planning had not taken into account this crucial ingredient to making a good life for herself. She always felt like something was missing…

Kirtana celebrated this birthday, making lofty promises to herself. She had always been a person in control of a situation. She had very early on in life learnt that she could be prepared for any situation if she organized her life. She had been a great student through school and college and good at everything she did, but she could never quite shake the fact that she was at some level quite... dull! She was not spontaneous at all, and that made her come off as rigid and a bit serious. What helped her get the attention she always first of course, were her striking good looks. Kirtana had the grace of a dancer. In her eyes though, she was quite ordinary, but to the rest of the world that saw her, she was a girl that always got the second look.

Kirtana had always been self conscious; to her nothing was ever good enough about herself. And so that made her try very hard... try to be many things she was not.

She had a theory about herself. She felt her timing was always just a tiny bit off... she was always at the right place, but just a little bit early, maybe it was because she had everything planned so perfectly! She thought no one ever gave her the kind of attention she wanted. She always thought her friends liked her more when she was not around, in her absence her ‘presence’ was more appreciated than when she was actually around…or so she believed! This theory lent heavily to why she let herself seem boring ” why try anyway?” she thought!

She had promised herself that this was going to be a year of new beginnings. Her birthday was always a day that she made big resolutions! She was going to learn to be Kirtana, she was going to find a way to be at peace with the voices in her head! She was going to learn how to have fun… and in turn learn to be fun!

And she would do this with a little help from Maliha...only Mali did not know it yet!

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And so the story begins..

(None of these characters are real :) the usual disclaimer!)

1: Station-ed...

She stood at the edge of the platform. She knew, this made no difference, and that the train would not arrive any sooner because of that, but she could not resist trying to peep like the other restless onlookers and relatives waiting for the train on that crowded platform. The difference between them and her was she was only physically present. Her mind was at work. And not just because she had so much of it, or that she even liked her some-days-good-some-days-not-so-good job. She was thinking of him. She was thinking of him most of the time but she also spent a good portion of that time wondering why it was she thought of him. She was thinking why it was that a person who had always been in control of her life and expectations of it, had suddenly decided to become so attracted to a man that hardly matched her. Yes it might be that opposites attracted, but within boundaries and it usually became a mutual feeling. It took two opposites to attract, right.

Her thoughts were disturbed by a child who started wailing there on the platform, probably because he needed more entertainment than the boring, hot and now exceedingly cramped platform could provide. She felt that where ever she went she could not escape some wailing infant! There was always some small, cranky child just waiting for the tiniest provocation to start. And she was always there to catch the show, the sound and waterworks. Sometimes she thought she herself was the provocation. But this time it could not have been her. If anything her presence should have greatly improved the mood of the child. She had on her bright yellow and orange sundress, and pink flip flops. And in a railway station, that was quite a spectacle. The child could very well have confused her for a clown, under such circumstances. Unless these colours were so garish that it actually scared the child… There she went again over analyzing everything.

But Kirtana was feeling adventurous today. She wanted to look fun and fresh... and that is what she kept telling herself when she bought this dress. Even if it meant she faced a bit of ridicule for being so over dressed for the station. After all how did anyone else have the authority to judge her, unless she gave them that importance! Those self help books she had read last year kept pumping these small affirmations into her mind every now and then.

Her thoughts moved back to why she was there. She was waiting to receive her new roommate. In an adventurous sundress.

The story of how she met her soon to be roommate was interesting to say the least. The guest room of her almost upscale and well kept apartment was lying unused, and Kirtana could not tolerate that. Anything unused had to be dealt with or thrown out. These were her life’s rules. So she put an ad in the paper, told some friends and even decided to spread the word on a now hugely popular social networking website. And so there she met Maliha. At first Kirtana was sure it was a hoax. Some cyberspace predator in disguise trying to scheme her for her address so he, and she was sure it was only a he who was capable of such perversion, could come and attack her at her own house. I guess this kind of thinking was the outcome of her upbringing and her addiction to morbid news stories! But as it turned out Maliha was a lovely person and a she! A freelance photographer and artist, who had inherited a ton of money, enough to support her free flowing lifestyle. Of course being as wealthy as she was, why she would want to rent a room when she could buy the entire building complex, was quite puzzling. But Maliha was just that, puzzling. She claimed that she lived in a new house or city every four months. It was her hobby, her interest. She was wandering, but not exactly nomadic. She lived with new people, became a part of their lives, and always stayed in touch, by sending them photographs she took on her next stay, or sending them artwork she had made in a new city. She never missed a birthday or anniversary and had formed lasting attachments with almost everyone she had stayed with! Now even though Kirtana was looking for a more permanent roommate, the idea of meeting a person like Maliha intrigued her. She was so unlike herself, she felt she just had to see how this woman lived . And since the whole concept of having someone else live with her was frightening, this would be for a small period of time, and would prove sufficient to know how she responded to someone living in her house!

And so priding herself with such a sudden sense of adventure over this impulsive decision about her roommate, there she was waiting for Maliha to arrive from some far off village, where she had spent the last four months eating organically and living with a retired professor who studied the life and habits of spiders that were nearing extinction. She was hoping she had not carried any eight legged souvenirs from that little stay!

The train was slowing to a halt, and Kirtana realized this because the crowd suddenly became very active, talking loudly, the excitement was palpable. This brought her out of her thoughts almost instantly and she caught herself fixing her hair and straightening herself up. She was going to hang back and let the more eager onlookers have the first go at the arrived train. After all Maliha would be easy to spot! A single lady, with all her life’s belongings packed in two suitcases and a large purple jhola. How hard would it be? Besides Kirtana had already seen photographs of her roommate online! They had ‘seen’ each other already. Maliha had commented during a discussion with Kirtana over the phone a week ago, about how she came across as a little reserved in her appearance, and today Kirtana was trying to prove a point. Her dress was a bold step in that direction.

About ten minutes after the train arrived at the platform, Maliha stepped out of the train. She had a way with people, this Maliha. She had managed to befriend nearly everyone seated around her on the train and now had three different people helping her with her luggage, while they struggled with their own bags! Maliha had a glow on her face, despite having travelled two days straight, she looked fresh and well rested. She walked with her head up and which made her look much taller than she really was. Her physique was near perfect, and she looked like she could have been an athlete. She had a big purple jhola slung across her shoulders, and the slight breeze blew her short black hair into her eyes. She was walking right towards Kirtana with a huge smile on her face!

“Hey I’m Mali..! It is so great to finally meet you”, Maliha said. She gave Kirtana a nice warm hug. Kirtana, a little surprised at how unselfconscious Maliha was, responded with a quick smile... “Hi Mali! Welcome!” The two of them quickly surveyed one another, girls were quick to size each other up... Mali rushed to get her bags from her 'friends', and soon the two were walking off the platform and out of the station. “My friends call me Kit by the way. The car’s parked not far from here; let me get one of your bags for you.” Now one of those things was a lie... None of her friends called her Kit! She had made that up because she wanted to sound like Mali! The car being parked not far from the station however was true. Why did Kirtana feel like she had to try so hard…? She was thinking just that... These next few months were definitely going to be something! ...

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Explaining the title...

So if you are reading this (thank you!) you are probably wondering what this blog title is about. Why a seemingly normal girl (if you know me or have read my profile) would choose to title her blog so. Well, I can explain it this way. As I see it pretty much everything and everyone around me , and for that matter you, is driven by one of these two sentiments. So no matter what I will ever talk about, it will always come down to something that was done to go after happiness or satisfaction or just not! It is my idea of simplifying the way I think of thoughts (yes think of thoughts), actions, intentions behind anything. And I am one for 'word plays'. So yes I like that my blog can sound like something (a book) we are already familiar with :)

So in this blog I will share with you a story I am writing.. its a story where the characters , events and situations are all derived from my own life. Enjoy :) and I would like your help and suggestions in building this story.. :)

understand that this story is not true, its just an escape.. and completely a figment of my imagination :)

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How this story works..part two

So in a lot of stories there always is a gradual build up from introducing the main characters, establishing the relationships and elaborating on the plot, before it reaches the crux of the story and then finishes. I intend to keep that formula, but add my own flavour to this.. so read, and yes there will be more character introduction chapters, I'll get deeper into the story soon :)
Apart from this, I have decided to keep the names of cities a mystery. I will probably never mention the name of a city specifically, because when you do that, you have to be factually correct, and that might take away from the story on a blog :) so the only things I will ever write about specifically are my characters and what happens to them. The 'where' part will be appropriately described :) and will leave you guessing ;)

Behind this title...

So if you are reading this (thank you!) you are probably wondering what this blog title is about. Why a seemingly normal girl (if you know me or have read my profile) would choose to title her blog so. Well, I can explain it this way. As I see it pretty much everything and everyone around me , and for that matter you, is driven by one of these two sentiments. So no matter what I will ever talk about, it will always come down to something that was done to go after happiness or satisfaction or just not! It is my idea of simplifying the way I think of thoughts (yes think of thoughts), actions, intentions behind anything. And I am one for 'word plays'. So yes I like that my blog can sound like something (a book) we are already familiar with :)

So in this blog I will share with you a story I am writing.. its a story where the characters , events and situations are all derived from my own life. Enjoy :) and I would like your help and suggestions in building this story.. :)

Understand that this story is not true, its just an escape.. and completely a figment of my imagination :)


here is where I create, create a story of people and their lives and experiences, and the chapters are coming along piece by piece... :) and I am using people from my own life as my inspiration, and putting facets of different personalities to create characters I can love and relate to and hope that you will too :) I love that I can make up anything I want, and make any thing a reality in this story and I hope to actually write some books some day.. so enjoy!

About Me

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a story teller (where this really applies) and lover of stories :) and some things in between too! will keep them coming!
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